Metadata Licenses: Cc0-1.0

Add Times Calculator for adding hours and minutes
Almond The Open Virtual Assistant
Alpaca Chat with local AI models
App Center Application manager for Liri OS
Apple Flinger Funny single- and multiplayer game for Android - Use a slingshot to shoot with apples
Archives Create and view web archives
Axolotl Axolotl is a crossplattform Signal client
Backup postmarketOS Backup and restore tool
Calculator A simple string calculator
Calligraphy Turn text into ASCII banners
Chess engine A fully compliant, playable chess engine written in Lua and rendered with the Love2D game framework forked from
Clockwind a platform game with time travel mechanichs forked from
Coast A nice and simple map viewer
Compass This is a proof of concept of a simple compass app for Mobile Linux.
Concessio Understand file permissions
Countdown Track events until they happen or since they happened
Cuttlefish Client for PeerTube, the federated video hosting service
Date of Catholic Easter Calculate the date of Catholic Easter
Dosage Keep track of your treatments
Eeman Track Salah, Read the Quran
Eloquens Generate the lorem ipsum text
Euterpe Audio player for the Euterpe media server
Exercise Timer Train and rest with high intensity
Fairy Tale Read and manage your comics collection.
Feeel A simple home workout/exercise app that respects your privacy
File Shredder Permanently delete your files
Forklift Video and audio download application
FreeTube An Open Source YouTube app for privacy
Frog Extract text from images
Geobug Check your location and save it to a GPX track
Geoclue Stumbler Submit Cell Tower/WiFi AP data to geoclue
Gerbil Gerbil is a minimal gemini-client for linux and linux-mobile
Glosbit =Dictionary application powered by
Glossaico Language learning application
Grock Displays geological maps of the UK.
Hash-o-matic Check hashes for your files
Hermes Messenger Unofficial Fb Messenger app for linux smartphone
Image Roll Image viewer with basic image manipulation tools
Iridium Friendly IRC Client
Jupii Play media on UPnP/DLNA devices
Kairo Sport Training Timer Application
Kana Learn Japanese characters
Keypunch Practice your typing skills
Kirogi UAV (drone) ground control
Klimbgrades Quickly convert difficulty grades for rock climbing, lead and bouldering scales
Lemmur A client for lemmy - a federated reddit alternative
Licentia Choose a license for your project
Liri Calculator Perform arithmetic or scientific calculations
Lith WeeChat Relay Client
Lobjur A simple client
Loop A simple audio loop machine for GNOME
MailViewer EML and MSG file viewer
Markets Keep track of your investments
Master Key Manage passwords without saving them
Max Control Control software for Max! devices
Melon Stream videos on the go from different services
Mepo Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for Linux
Meshtastic Client Graphically control meshtastic devices
Metronome A simple Metronome application for the GNOME desktop
Metronomek Trivial looking metronome with natural sounds and sophisticated possibilities
Mirror Hall Use Linux devices as second screens
Muzika Elegant music streaming application
Notify Receive notifications from
ONVIFViewer View and control network cameras using the ONVIF protocol
Olifant Lightning fast client for Mastodon
Organizer A utility to organize your files into neat categories
Paper Plane Chat over Telegram on a modern and elegant client
Password Password calculator and generator
PasswordSage A password manager geared towards mobile screens. It uses GTK as framework and parses .kdbx files (version 3.1 and 4).
Picker Randomly pick something to do
Pidif A lightweight PDF viewer built for touch interfaces, with GTK4 and Rust
PinApp Create and edit app shortcuts
Pixel Wheels Pixel Wheels is a retro top-down race game
Plano Calculate slope and midpoint for a Plane
Poliedros Poliedros is a multi-type dice roller.
Powertrack Tool to track battery statistics.
Public Transport public transportation app (currently) for Germany
Punchclock Track time for your tasks.
Quadrix Minimal, simple, multi-platform chat client for the Matrix protocol
Random Make randomization easy
Ring-KDE Call and receive calls with SIP or RING protocols
Roger Router Journal, Fax-Software and Call-Monitor for AVM FRITZ!Box or compatible
RuneLite RuneLite OSRS Client
Shipments Postal package tracking application
Shopping List A shopping list application for GNU/Linux mobile devices
Social Federated microblogging client
Spectral IM client for the Matrix protocol
Speech Note Notes with offline Speech to Text, Text to Speech and Machine Translation
Speedtest Measure your internet connection speed
Spotipyne Gtk Spotify client written in python made to be compatible with mobile formfactors like a pinephone.
Sticky Notes Pin notes to your desktop
Stockpile Keep count of restockable items
Strike Simple and convergent IDE
Sums Calculate with postfix notation
SuperTux A jump-and-run game starring Tux the Penguin
TV Guide European televion guide for GNOME
Tasks Organize your tasks
Teleport Share files over the local network
Teleprompter Stay on track during speeches
Time Cop A time tracking app that respects your privacy and gets the job done without getting too fancy
Timer Simple countdown timer
Tootle Lightning fast client for Mastodon
Treasure An application example, implementing a simple guessing game.
Turn On Turn on devices in your network
TwoFun Touch based reaction game for two players
Unciv Turn-based strategy game
Uno Calculator Linux port of the Microsoft Windows calculator app
Valent Connect, control and sync devices
WebP Converter The fastest way to convert images to WebP
Wiremapper Linux client for Pockethernet network tester
Wordbook Look up definitions for any English term
Workflow Screen time monitor app based on ActivityWatch
YOGA Image Optimizer Convert and optimize JPEG, PNG and WebP images
YouPlay Search, download and play music from YouTube
Zandronum Leading the way in newschool multiplayer Doom online
Zodiac A simple program for plotting horoscopes
gtkbart Public transportation client for the Bay Area Rapid Transit system
hamlocator Displays a maidenhead locator for current location
pomodorolm A simple, good looking and configurable pomodoro tracker with tray icon

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