
Date Calculator The go-to minimal date calculator
early utilities Flutter 5
Feeel A simple home workout/exercise app that respects your privacy
mature Flathub fitness Flutter 5
Fluffychat Chat with your friends
available in 5 distros Alpine edge AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Snapcraft
Matrix chat Flutter 5
Goguma An IRC client for mobile devices.
early IRC chat Flutter 5
Lemmur A client for lemmy - a federated reddit alternative
archived AUR Lemmy Flutter 5
LocalSend Share files to nearby devices
available in 5 distros AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
LocalSend file transfer Flutter 5
Polypass A simple, secure, and easy to use password manager
mature AUR Flathub password manager Flutter 5
Saber The notes app built for handwriting
mature AUR Flathub Snapcraft note taking drawing Flutter 5
Time Cop A time tracking app that respects your privacy and gets the job done without getting too fancy
mature AUR Flathub productivity time tracking Flutter 5
fWallet A beautiful cross-platform wallet application for your transport tickets, discount cards and subscriptions.
maturing Alpine edge AUR pkpass wallet Flutter 5

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