
LinuxPhoneApps.org is an App Directory that lists apps for Linux Phones like the PinePhone or Librem 5, that run Linux distributions which do not have a proper (de)centralized app store yet.

Apps and Games Docs

Theme and Code: MIT. Content: CC-BY-SA 4.0. State: beta

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Apps and Games

  • LPTK | Stateless password manager
  • Geobug | Check your location and save it to a GPX track
  • Quick Web Apps | Web applications at your fingertips
  • Countdown | Track events until they happen or since they happened
  • CoBang | QR code scanner for Linux desktop

For Users

Find out whether there's an app for what you would like or need to do, and how to get it!

For Distributions and Package maintainers

Find software to package or even pre-install on your distribution.

For developers

Help developers to find efforts for similar apps, to join a project, start something similar or find links to further documentation.

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