Mobile Compatibility: 3

Some parts of the app are not usable with touch input on small screens, even with scale-to-fit.

App Center Application manager for Liri OS
maturing AUR app store QtQuick fluid 3
Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
available in 24 distros Alpine 3.18 Alpine 3.19 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable PureOS landing
bitcoin wallet QtWidgets QtQuick 3
Files Access and organize files
Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Manjaro stable file management QtQuick fluid 3
Gemini Office Suite
available in 21 distros Alpine 3.18 Alpine 3.19 Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide Gentoo Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable PureOS landing
office Kirigami 3
Gnote A simple note-taking application
available in 23 distros Alpine 3.18 Alpine 3.19 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
note taking GTK3 3
Kiwix View offline content
available in 23 distros Alpine 3.18 Alpine 3.19 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide Flathub GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable PureOS landing
education QtWidgets 3
Liri Terminal Use the command line
Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Manjaro stable terminal emulator QtQuick fluid 3
Olifant Lightning fast client for Mastodon
gone Mastodon GTK3 granite 3
OnionShare Securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends
available in 19 distros Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
tor file transfer chat QtQuick 3
QPrompt Personal teleprompter software for all video creators
AUR teleprompter QtQuick Kirigami 3
Qwertone Turns your PC into musical instrument
available in 6 distros AUR Debian 11 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Flathub
musical tool GTK3 3
Readerview A mobile-ready gpu-accelerated gemini browser.
early inactive gemini browser GTK4 3
Rhythmbox Play and organize all your music
available in 24 distros Alpine 3.18 Alpine 3.19 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
music player GTK3 3
Spectral IM client for the Matrix protocol
available in 6 distros AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Devuan 4.0 Flathub PureOS landing
Matrix chat QtQuick 3
Stellarium Desktop Planetarium
available in 21 distros Alpine 3.18 Alpine 3.19 Alpine edge AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 38 Fedora 39 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
entertainment QtWidgets 3
Sublime Music Native Subsonic client for Linux
available in 9 distros Alpine edge AUR Debian 12 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Nix stable 23.05 Nix stable 23.11 Nix unstable PureOS landing
Subsonic ampache Revel Airsonic Gonic Navidrome audio streaming GTK3 3
Timetrack A timetrack for GNOME
mature AUR Flathub productivity GTK4 libadwaita 3
YOGA Image Optimizer Convert and optimize JPEG, PNG and WebP images
Flathub utilities GTK3 3
Yishu A bespoke and simple Todo.txt client
archived AUR openSUSE Tumbleweed productivity GTK3 libhandy granite 3
phom Quick hack to have a virtual mouse
virtual input device GTK3 3
pods Cross platform Podcast app targetting the pinephone specifically (in early development)
early inactive podcast client iced 3

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