
Fluid is a "Library for QtQuick apps with Material Design".

App Center Application manager for Liri OS
maturing AUR app store QtQuick fluid 3
Files Access and organize files
Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Manjaro stable file management QtQuick fluid 3
Liri Browser Liri Browser is a cross-platform, Material Design Web browser, currently in alpha stage.
AUR web browser QtQuick fluid 5
Liri Calculator Perform arithmetic or scientific calculations
available in 4 distros Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Flathub Manjaro stable
calculator QtQuick fluid 4
Liri Terminal Use the command line
Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Manjaro stable terminal emulator QtQuick fluid 3
Liri Text Edit text files
available in 4 distros Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Flathub Manjaro stable
text editor QtQuick fluid 4
Player Play movies
inactive video player QtQuick fluid 4

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