Status: archived
Briar Secure messaging, anywhere
Clans A Gtk4 / libAdwaita Discord client. Early WIP."
Dukto A simple multi-platform file transfer application especially designed for LAN users and which supports sending text, files or folders. It supports Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, Android and more.
Gradience Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
Headlines A GTK4/libAdwaita Reddit client designed for use with Linux phones.
Hermes Messenger Unofficial Fb Messenger app for linux smartphone
KMixtapez A Kirigami app for listening to mixtapes, albums & songs hosted on MyMixtapez dot com
Lemmur A client for lemmy - a federated reddit alternative
Markets Keep track of your investments
Mirage Customizable and keyboard-operable Matrix client
PGallery A dead simple photo gallery made for Pinephone. Built with Vala and Gtk
Random Make randomization easy
Ring-KDE Call and receive calls with SIP or RING protocols
Tok KDE's convergent Telegram client.
Yishu A bespoke and simple Todo.txt client
gtkcord3 A lightweight Discord client which uses GTK3 for the user interface.

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