Nix stable 24 11

Alpaca Chat with local AI models
Calligraphy Turn text into ASCII banners
Castor A graphical client for plain-text protocols written in Rust with GTK. It currently supports the Gemini, Gopher and Finger protocols.
Clapgrep Search through all your files
CoBang QR code scanner for Linux desktop
Cursed Delta A lightweight Delta Chat client for the command line
FreeTube An Open Source YouTube app for privacy
Gradience Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
Headlines A GTK4/libAdwaita Reddit client designed for use with Linux phones.
Image Roll Image viewer with basic image manipulation tools
KDeltaChat DeltaChat client build with Kirigami
Kana Learn Japanese characters
Markets Keep track of your investments
Mepo Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for Linux
Muzika Elegant music streaming application
Notify Receive notifications from
Paper Plane Chat over Telegram on a modern and elegant client
RuneLite RuneLite OSRS Client
Saber The notes app built for handwriting
Shattered Pixel Dungeon Roguelike RPG, with pixel art graphics and lots of variety and replayability
Shipments Postal package tracking application
Sticky Notes Pin notes to your desktop
Subsurface Manage and display dive computer data
Sums Calculate with postfix notation
ThiefMD The markdown editor worth stealing.
Unciv Turn-based strategy game
Upscaler Upscale and enhance images
Valent Connect, control and sync devices
Wordbook Look up definitions for any English term
Zandronum Leading the way in newschool multiplayer Doom online

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