
App Center Application manager for Liri OS
Audiobook QML Minimal audio book reader for mobile and desktop.
Baconer Kirigami/ QT Reddit Client
CRUMPET App to control our new breed of animatroinic tails!
Coast A nice and simple map viewer
DayKountdown A simple date countdown app written for KDE Plasma, using Kirigami.
Dukto A simple multi-platform file transfer application especially designed for LAN users and which supports sending text, files or folders. It supports Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, Android and more.
Eloquens Generate the lorem ipsum text
Epoka Simple clock app in development, supporting stopwatch and timer until now
FluffyChat (QtQuick) FluffyChat is a chat client for Matrix, originally created for Ubuntu Touch
Food Rescue App Convergent mobile+desktop application to help decide if food is still edible.
Friendiqa Qt client for the social network Friendica
GhostCloud A modern cross-platform client for Nextcloud, ownCloud & WebDav.
Glosbit =Dictionary application powered by glosbe.com
Glossaico Language learning application
Home Assistant Connect (HAC) HA Connect is a simple web app for connecting to the web interface of an Home Assistant server.
Idok Remote A simple Kodi remote that supports multiple Kodi instances.
KDeltaChat DeltaChat client build with Kirigami
KMixtapez A Kirigami app for listening to mixtapes, albums & songs hosted on MyMixtapez dot com
Kairo Sport Training Timer Application
KeePassPQ KeePassPQ is a Python and QML based application to open KeePass (v4) databases on mobile devices.
Klimbgrades Quickly convert difficulty grades for rock climbing, lead and bouldering scales
Licentia Choose a license for your project
Liri Browser Liri Browser is a cross-platform, Material Design Web browser, currently in alpha stage.
Lord Almighty's Modern Bible (LAMB) Lord Almighty's Modern Bible (LAMB) is a cross platform Bible application.
Media Server Connect (MSC) Media Server Connect is a simple web app for connecting to the web interface of an Emby server.
MiTubo Playback or download media content from video streaming websites
Mirage Customizable and keyboard-operable Matrix client
Moment Customizable and keyboard-operable Matrix client
Mycroft Mycroft Kirigami Application for Plasma Mobile
Nextcloud-Plasma-Mobile-login A test project to create webview login for nextcloud accounts on Plasma Mobile.
ONVIFViewer View and control network cameras using the ONVIF protocol
Passgen Password generator written using Qt Quick Controls 2
QField A simplified touch optimized interface for QGIS
QHumble Qhumble allows retrieving any content purchased from Humble Bundle that is DRM-Free.
Qt Virtual Keyboard The Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 5 on Linux Desktop/X11, Windows Desktop, and Boot2Qt targets.
QtWebBrowser Qt WebEngine based browser for embedded touch devices.
Quick Weather Quick Weather QML Qt application
Quickddit A free and open source Reddit client for mobile phones.
Rattlensnake Rattlesnake is a metronome app for mobile and desktop.
Ring-KDE Call and receive calls with SIP or RING protocols
SciTEQt A port of the SciTE text editor to the Qt QML/Quick, which is optimized for touch devices.
Shutter Shutter is a camera application which exposes all available camera parameters to the user.
Strike Simple and convergent IDE
Tasks Organize your tasks
Tok KDE's convergent Telegram client.
alrisha an experimental Qt/QML destkop browser for Gemini
blabber QML Kirigami based Mastodon client
foKus foKus is a To-do application, designed for Plasma Mobile using Kirigami framework.
modRana ModRana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile devices.
newsFish Nextcloud news client for Kirigami
plasma mobile calculator app A short summary describing what this software is about
qalendar Qalendar is Qt5 implementation of the Maemo Calendar
signal-rs A Rust-based signal app with a QML/Kirigami frontend.

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