
Kirigami is a UI Framework created by the KDE Community to build "beautiful, convergent apps that run on phones, TVs and everything in between".

If you are using Plasma Mobile, but can't find an app for your use case here, make sure to check MauiKit and QtQuick first, as regular these apps should work great on Plasma Mobile, too.

Baconer Kirigami/ QT Reddit Client
CRUMPET App to control our new breed of animatroinic tails!
Coast A nice and simple map viewer
DayKountdown A simple date countdown app written for KDE Plasma, using Kirigami.
Eloquens Generate the lorem ipsum text
Epoka Simple clock app in development, supporting stopwatch and timer until now
Food Rescue App Convergent mobile+desktop application to help decide if food is still edible.
Glosbit =Dictionary application powered by
Glossaico Language learning application
Hash-o-matic Check hashes for your files
Jupii Play media on UPnP/DLNA devices
KDeltaChat DeltaChat client build with Kirigami
KMixtapez A Kirigami app for listening to mixtapes, albums & songs hosted on MyMixtapez dot com
Kairo Sport Training Timer Application
KeePassPQ KeePassPQ is a Python and QML based application to open KeePass (v4) databases on mobile devices.
Kirogi UAV (drone) ground control
Klimbgrades Quickly convert difficulty grades for rock climbing, lead and bouldering scales
Licentia Choose a license for your project
Mycroft Mycroft Kirigami Application for Plasma Mobile
Nextcloud-Plasma-Mobile-login A test project to create webview login for nextcloud accounts on Plasma Mobile.
ONVIFViewer View and control network cameras using the ONVIF protocol
OptiImage Image optimizer to reduce the size of images
QPrompt Personal teleprompter software for all video creators
QiFlora Mobile friendly application to monitor plants using Mi Flora devices.
Rattlensnake Rattlesnake is a metronome app for mobile and desktop.
Ring-KDE Call and receive calls with SIP or RING protocols
Shutter Shutter is a camera application which exposes all available camera parameters to the user.
Strike Simple and convergent IDE
Subsurface Manage and display dive computer data
Syndic Feed reader for casual browsing
Tasks Organize your tasks
Tok KDE's convergent Telegram client.
Vehicle Voyage Track vehicle service history
blabber QML Kirigami based Mastodon client
foKus foKus is a To-do application, designed for Plasma Mobile using Kirigami framework.
newsFish Nextcloud news client for Kirigami
plasma mobile calculator app A short summary describing what this software is about
signal-rs A Rust-based signal app with a QML/Kirigami frontend.

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