ABV Calculator ABV Calculator is a refractometer ABV calculator intended for beer or wine
AUR calculator GTK3 5
Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
available in 26 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
bitcoin wallet QtWidgets QtQuick 3
Gajim Fully-featured XMPP chat client
available in 27 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
XMPP chat GTK3 2
KeePassPQ KeePassPQ is a Python and QML based application to open KeePass (v4) databases on mobile devices.
early KeePass password manager Kirigami QtQuick 5
LaTre Assistant tool for GNOME Contacts. Do import contacts from VCard files, delete contacts.
inactive early utilities GTK3 5
MooTube A YouTube App for Mobile Linux.
early pre-release YouTube video player GTK3 5
Myuzi Stream music from YouTube with no ads.
gone YouTube music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
PDF Arranger Merge, shuffle, and crop PDFs
available in 27 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
office GTK3 4
PassUi PassUi is a free and open source graphical user interface for the standard unix password manager written in python, with small screens in mind.
early inactive password manager WxWidgets 5
Powersupply Linux power subsystem debugger
available in 12 distros Alpine edge AUR Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
utilities GTK3 libhandy 5
Pygenda Pygenda is a calendar/agenda application written in Python3/GTK3 and designed for "PDA" devices such as Planet Computers' Gemini.
maturing calendar GTK3 Cairo 4
Satellite Check your GPS reception and save your tracks
maturing Flathub geography GTK3 libhandy 5
Syncthing GTK GUI and notification area icon for Syncthing
available in 13 distros Alpine edge Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Flathub GNU Guix PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
Syncthing file transfer file sync GTK3 2
loyaltyCardsOpen Linux App to save and view all your loyalty cards and any kind of card. Ready to use with a Linux Phone.
early loyalty cards GTK3 5

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