
Apple Flinger Funny single- and multiplayer game for Android - Use a slingshot to shoot with apples
Flappy-gnome Flappy GNOME is a side-scrolling game development tutorial using Vala and GTK+.
Ironball Mobile game inspired by the classic Speedball game for Amiga/C64 etc.
Lucy Lucy's family has been abducted by Aliens! Help Lucy to reach the four UFOS and rescue her family.
Pixel Wheels Pixel Wheels is a retro top-down race game
Poland can into Space ‘Poland can into Space’ is a simple Android game based on LibGDX framework
Rocket Guardian Rocket Guardian is a android game about a guardian that must protect a city from the falling zombies.
Shootin Stars Round based endless runner style space shooter
SuperTux A jump-and-run game starring Tux the Penguin
Superjumper Super Jumper is a very simple Doodle Jump clone.
Treasure An application example, implementing a simple guessing game.

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