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Play and organize all your music Source


Rhythmbox is a music management application, designed to work well under the GNOME desktop. In addition to music stored on your computer, it supports network shares, podcasts, radio streams, portable music devices (including phones), and internet music services such as Last.fm and Magnatune.

Rhythmbox is Free software, based on GTK+ and GStreamer, and is extensible via plugins written in Python or C.


Project links: Links to (pages with) screenshots:


Mobile Fit: 3

Some parts of the app are not usable with touch input on small screens, even with scale-to-fit


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red: packaged, but not current, ratings and other details may not apply.

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Get it on Flathub!

Install as flatpak: https://flathub.org/apps/org.gnome.Rhythmbox3.flatpakref

If you're lucky*, you can install this app by just hitting this button:


* You need to have an appstream:// handler, e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover, installed and the app needs to be available in a configured software repository, more details.

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By Category: music player

By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: Audio AudioVideo Player

Licensing and technical details

License: GFDL-1.3 GPL-2.0-or-later Metadata: CC0-1.0

Frameworks: GTK3

Programming languages: C Vala

Build system: make

AppStream Metadata URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/rhythmbox/-/raw/master/data/org.gnome.Rhythmbox3.appdata.xml.in