Freedesktop Categories: Audio

Amberol Plays music, and nothing else
available in 13 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 PureOS landing
music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Audio Sharing Share your computer audio
available in 4 distros AUR Flathub Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
utilities GTK4 libadwaita 5
Audiobook QML Minimal audio book reader for mobile and desktop.
inactive AUR audiobook player QtQuick 5
Blanket Listen to ambient sounds
available in 18 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Flathub GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
utilities GTK4 libadwaita 5
Calls Make phone and SIP calls
available in 25 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
SIP telephony GTK3 libhandy 5
Celluloid Plays videos
available in 27 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
video player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Cozy Listen to audio books
available in 15 distros Alpine edge AUR Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub GNU Guix Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
audiobook player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Decibels Play audio files
available in 4 distros AUR Flathub Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed
audio player music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Ear Tag Edit audio file tags
available in 13 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
utilities GTK4 libadwaita 5
Elisa Play music and listen to online radio stations
available in 28 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian experimental Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
music player Kirigami 5
Euterpe Audio player for the Euterpe media server
early AUR Flathub euterpe audio streaming GTK3 libhandy 5
Futify Native qml spotify client.
Spotify audio streaming QtQuick UbuntuComponents 5
Gapless Play your music elegantly
available in 9 distros Alpine edge AUR Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Girens for Plex Watch your Plex content
AUR Flathub Plex media GTK3 libhandy 5
Goodvibes Play web radios
available in 17 distros AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
internet radio internet radio GTK3 5
KMixtapez A Kirigami app for listening to mixtapes, albums & songs hosted on MyMixtapez dot com
archived music player Kirigami 5
Lollypop Play and organize your music collection
available in 27 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
music player GTK3 libhandy 5
Monophony Stream music from YouTube Music
available in 5 distros AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
YouTube music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Muzika Elegant music streaming application
early pre-release
available in 4 distros AUR Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
YouTube music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Myuzi Stream music from YouTube with no ads.
gone YouTube music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Phonic Phonic is a GTK audiobook player targeted at mobile Linux.
early AUR audiobook player GTK3 libhandy 5
Player Play movies
inactive video player QtQuick fluid 4
Podcasts Listen to your favorite shows
available in 13 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Flathub Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed
iTunes Podcast Directory podcast client GTK4 libadwaita 5
Pyrocast Another podcast app for Linux phones (e.g., Pinephone)
early pre-release inactive podcast client GTK3 libhandy 5
Qwertone Turns your PC into musical instrument
available in 7 distros AUR Debian 11 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Flathub PureOS byzantium
musical tool GTK3 3
Recorder Audio recorder
available in 21 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Gentoo Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS landing
audio recorder Kirigami 5
Rhythmbox Play and organize all your music
available in 27 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
music player GTK3 3
Shortwave Listen to internet radio
available in 9 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0
internet radio internet radio GTK4 libadwaita 5
Simple Wireplumber GUI A simple GTK4 GUI for PipeWire
early Flathub settings GTK4 libadwaita 5
SongRec An open-source, unofficial Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust.
available in 12 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Flathub Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
shazam multimedia GTK3 5
Sonically Native client implementing subsonic API (audio streaming) using opus
early inactive Subsonic audio streaming GTK4 5
Sound Recorder A simple, modern sound recorder for GNOME
available in 26 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0 openSUSE Tumbleweed PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
audio recorder GTK4 libadwaita 5
Spotipyne Gtk Spotify client written in python made to be compatible with mobile formfactors like a pinephone.
inactive Spotify audio streaming GTK3 libhandy 5
Sublime Music Native Subsonic client for Linux
available in 10 distros Alpine edge AUR Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable PureOS landing
Subsonic ampache Revel Airsonic Gonic Navidrome audio streaming GTK3 3
VVM Player Visual Voicemail Player
available in 10 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan unstable PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
visual voicemail GTK4 libadwaita 5
Vvave Play your music collection
available in 13 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Flathub Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable Openmandriva 5 0
music player MauiKit Kirigami 5
YouPlay Search, download and play music from YouTube
maturing AUR YouTube music player GTK4 libadwaita 5
gPodder QML UI gPodder 4 QML UI Reference Implementation
available in 24 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
podcast client QtQuick 5
gPodder-adaptive Media aggregator and podcast client for mobile and desktop alike
available in 25 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Arch Arch Linux ARM aarch64 AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable Fedora 39 Fedora 40 Fedora rawhide Flathub Gentoo GNU Guix Manjaro stable Manjaro unstable Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable PureOS byzantium PureOS landing
podcast client GTK3 libhandy 5
pods Cross platform Podcast app targetting the pinephone specifically (in early development)
early inactive podcast client iced 3

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