Services: Reddit Baconer Kirigami/ QT Reddit Client gone Reddit social media QtQuick Kirigami 4 Giara An app for Reddit released available in 13 distros AUR Debian 11 Debian 12 Debian 13 Debian unstable Devuan 4.0 Devuan unstable GNU Guix Nix stable 24.05 Nix stable 24.11 Nix unstable PureOS byzantium PureOS landing Reddit social media GTK4 libadwaita 5 Headlines A GTK4/libAdwaita Reddit client designed for use with Linux phones. archived available in 7 distros Alpine 3.20 Alpine 3.21 Alpine edge AUR Nix stable 24.05 Nix stable 24.11 Nix unstable Reddit social media GTK4 libadwaita 5 Quickddit A free and open source Reddit client for mobile phones. archived AUR reddit social media QtQuick 5 ← Back to all Services