Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to frequently asked questions.

Your question is not yet asked and answered here? Get in touch and ask!

What is LinuxPhoneApps? lists and documents apps and games for Linux Phones like the PINE64 PinePhone (Pro), Purisms' Librem 5, FuriLabs FLX1 or former Android devices that don't have a centralized app store (yet) and run distributions such as Arch Linux ARM, Fedora Mobility, Mobian, openSUSE, postmarketOS, PureOS or similar which use GNOME Mobile, Phosh, Plasma Mobile or Sxmo for their UI.

Note: Distributing binaries of apps or games (= becoming an actual an app store) is not a goal of at this point in time. We think that the mobile distributions and do a good enough job. Aside from our work on the website itself, we try to contribute to existing projects and individual apps to make the app ecosystem better and more accessible.

If you have questions about the contents of our app listings or have suggestions for improvements (especially regarding visuals and wording), please get in touch so that we can make things better and easier to grasp. is the continuation of LINMOBapps (and thus also MGLapps).

Can I install these apps on Ubuntu Touch?

Some, maybe. Generally, Ubuntu Touch is not in scope for this project, as it has an app store dedicated to it.

Can I install these apps on Sailfish OS?

Some, maybe. Generally, Sailfish OS is not in the scope of this project as it has more than one app store already:

What do I need to install apps via the "Install" button?

First, you need to have an app that can handle appstream:// links (e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover or a similar app) installed and set up so that it lauches when you tap the link. Second, to see information about the app and be able to install it, the apps' app id must be resolvable in an installed package source, be it distribution native, flatpak or snap for the app to show up.

Note: The button is not meant to work with Sailfish OS or Ubuntu Touch, as both are not in scope for LinuxPhoneApps. Both OSes have their own dedicated app stores - see above for details.

Join the effort

The various parts of this project live under the LinuxPhoneApps Organization on Framagit.


All content and tech building lives in

For historic purposes, you can also explore


If you want to work on known issues, you'll find

Creating new issues is a very valuable contribution too!

Adding or editing app listings

If you want to add an app, you can do so by forking our repo and creating a merge request or sending an email. App listings live in content/apps. We recommend using LPA helper to compose a new listing. The following pages have more info on this:

In order to understand the TOML-frontmatter of our Markdown files, check out Listings explained.

If just want to report that something is wrong with a listing, click the link at the bottom of the apps page to send an email, or better yet, edit the listing on framagit by clicking the edit link (also at the bottom at the page).

Reuse the data

If you respect the license and credit the project properly, feel free to reuse the data! Up to this point, the following projects are known to reuse the data:

If you have a project that reuses the data, please make sure to list your project here, too!

No longer active, unmaintained projects that reused the app lists data

Since April 14th, 2023, the .csv list is no longer the source of truth. You can, however, still generate a .csv listing using

The projects below will need adjustments to work with such a generated csv files, as the structure of the .csv has changed a lot since these projects were last updated:

Join the discussion and stay informed

Join our Matrix room!

Or, subscribe to or join the discussion one of our mailing lists:

  • Discuss list for the discussion of apps and general topics,
  • Devel list for discussion regarding further development of the LinuxPhoneApps app list.

You can also subscribe to a number of Atom feeds to follow along:

  • Apps feed to learn about newly added apps and games,
  • Blog feed to learn about new blog posts.

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