Create New App Listing
Not complete, but (hopefully) already helpful!
- Always type in the apps name, repository and your nickname (right at the end)
- if the app has an app id, please fill it (so that the file will be correctly named)
- if the app provides Appstream Metadata (.xml file with appdata or metainfo in it's file name, often in the project root or /data folder), make sure to link the raw text only variant of it in AppStream XML URL (raw)
- if that's not the case, make sure to fill all mandatory fields (marked with M)
- hit save, and you have a prefilled file. If you have filled the repology flathub, or appstream fields, you can now augment the listing by running the checkers - see the checkers README for details.
- Then submit the file via GitLab or E-Mail (and if that's to complicated, just uploading it into the Matrix room is also fine!) - Thank you!
Fields marked with M are mandatory, fields with R should be filled if possible, fields with A can be filled automatically afterwards.
Source code