Call and receive calls with SIP or RING protocols Source
Banji is a graphical client for the Ring (www.jami.net) communication platform. It can either be used as a general purpose communication application with other Ring users or as a VoiP softphone compatible with the SIP industry standard used by most office phones.
- Calling real phone with accounts from common SIP service providers
- Support SIP, SIPS and the RING distributed communication protocol
- Audio, Video and rich text messages
- Compliant with various industry standards such as:
- Support multiple popular audio and video codecs
- SIP call transfer (both direct and attended)
- Audio and video conferences
- Multiple concurrent calls with "on hold" feature
- Multiple accounts
- Multiple users profiles
- System contact integration
- Configurable interactive system notification
- Configurable local and global keyboard shortcuts
- Different ringtones per account
- Call menu support automation with macro
- Call audio recordings
- Call history and bookmarks
- Auto answer (per account)
- Pulseaudio, portaudio, core audio, ALSA and windows audio integration
- Different audio device for ringing and talk
- Smart phone number auto completion
Mobile Fit: needs testingThis app has not yet been evaluated - please help!
Project status: archived
This project has been archived by its maintainers. It might still work for you, but you won't get any help if something is wrong.
Project status: inactive
This project has not seen any commit activity in two years. It may work fine for you, there may be dragons, and most importantly, don't expect updates or a response to your bug reports!
The project repository was created on 2020-05-16.
The last known commit happened on 2020-06-27.
Please note: This information is not updated continuously. This particular listing was last updated on 2024-10-12
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red: packaged, but not current, ratings and other details may not apply.
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By Service: Jami
By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: Qt KDE Network Telephony Chat
Licensing and technical details
License: GPL-3.0-or-later Metadata: CC0-1.0
Programming languages: QML C++
Build system: cmake
AppStream Metadata URL: https://invent.kde.org/network/ring-kde/-/raw/master/data/org.kde.ring-kde.appdata.xml