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Food Rescue App

Convergent mobile+desktop application to help decide if food is still edible. Source


Open source application to help assess if food is still edible. When you scan a food product’s barcode or search for a food category, the application will collect and show whatever it knows about assessing the edibility of this food item. The main innovation is to combine barcode scanning with food rescue information, which makes that information more accessible than through any existing solution.



Latest commit in November 2020.

Project links:


Mobile Fit: 5

Perfect - this app fits your phone screen just fine out of the box and works nicely with touch input!

Project status: pre-release

This project has not seen a release yet. It may be in development for a short time only, or maybe longer. It should work mostly fine, but don't expect to find it packaged in your distribution.

Project status: inactive

This project has not seen any commit activity in two years. It may work fine for you, there may be dragons, and most importantly, don't expect updates or a response to your bug reports!

The project repository was created on 2020-06-02.

The last known commit happened on 2020-11-05.
Please note: This information is not updated continuously. This particular listing was last updated on 2024-10-13


If you're lucky*, you can install this app by just hitting this button:


* You need to have an appstream:// handler, e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover, installed and the app needs to be available in a configured software repository, more details.

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By Category: food rescue

By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: Qt Utility

Licensing and technical details

License: MIT

Frameworks: Kirigami

Programming languages: QML C++ XSLT

Build system: cmake

AppStream Metadata URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fairdirect/foodrescue-app/master/metadata-kde.xml