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Kirigami/ QT Reddit Client Source


The repo has been deleted some time between October 2023 and September 2024 - it's gone :-(.

WIP, hard to rate: Fits the screen, but rendering of parts of the layout is bad on small screens and text disappears (see Screenshots).

Project links: Links with more information:


Mobile Fit: 4

Almost perfect, works fine with tweaks for scaling, like scale-to-fit on Phosh

Project status: gone

This project has been deleted by its maintainers. The source code is just gone, and nothing can be done about that. In case you still have a copy of it, please get in touch.

Project status: early

This project has been in development for a short time only. It should work mostly fine, but expect bugs and an incomplete featureset.

Project status: pre-release

Whoops, we don't know how to explain this status yet. Something went wrong!


If you're lucky*, you can install this app by just hitting this button:


* You need to have an appstream:// handler, e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover, installed and the app needs to be available in a configured software repository, more details.

Find similar apps

By Service: Reddit

By Category: social media

By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: Network Qt WebBrowser

Licensing and technical details

License: No license all rights reserved.

Frameworks: QtQuick Kirigami

Programming languages: QML C++ JavaScript

Build system: qmake