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Displays geological maps of the UK. Source


Display geological maps of the UK, using data from the British Geological Survey. Allows rock unit names, types and ages to be found easily. Linear features and UK-wide gravitational and magnetic anomaly maps can also be shown.


Project links: Links to (pages with) screenshots:


Mobile Fit: 5

Perfect - this app fits your phone screen just fine out of the box and works nicely with touch input!

Project status: maturing

This project has been in development for some time and is somewhere around a 1.0 release. It should work mostly fine.

Project status: inactive

This project has not seen any inactivity in more than a year. It may work fine for you, there may be dragons, and most importantly, don't expect updates or a response to your bug reports!


Get it on Flathub!

Install as flatpak: https://flathub.org/apps/me.leucoso.Grock.flatpakref

If you're lucky*, you can install this app by just hitting this button:


* You need to have an appstream:// handler, e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover, installed and the app needs to be available in a configured software repository, more details.

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By Category: geology

By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: DataVisualization Education Geography Geology Geoscience Maps Science

Licensing and technical details

License: GPL-3.0-or-later Metadata: CC0-1.0

Frameworks: GTK3 libhandy

Programming languages: C

Build system: meson

AppStream Metadata URL: https://codeberg.org/dburgess/Grock/raw/branch/master/data/me.leucoso.Grock.appdata.xml.in