Freedesktop Categories: Maps

Coast A nice and simple map viewer
gone openstreetmap maps and navigation Kirigami 5
Enroute Flight Navigation Flight Navigation App
mature AUR Flathub flight navigation Kirigami 5
Grock Displays geological maps of the UK.
maturing inactive Flathub geology GTK3 libhandy 5
Mepo Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for Linux
available in 6 distros Alpine edge AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
openstreetmap maps and navigation geography SDL 5
OSM Scout Server Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router
available in 7 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
openstreetmap maps server QtQuick Kirigami Silica 5
Osmin Navigator
available in 4 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR
openstreetmap maps and navigation QtQuick 5
Pure Maps Maps and navigation
available in 8 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
openstreetmap maps and navigation QtQuick Kirigami Silica 5
QField A simplified touch optimized interface for QGIS
geography QtQuick 5
Railway Find all your travel information
available in 7 distros Alpine edge AUR Flathub Gentoo Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
hafas public transport GTK4 libadwaita 5
Transito FOSS data-provider-agnostic (GTFS) public transportation app
early Alpine edge public transport Gio 5
modRana ModRana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile devices.
inactive AUR openstreetmap maps and navigation geography QtQuick 5

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