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KDE Itinerary

Digital travel assistant Source


KDE Itinerary is a digital travel assistant with a priority on protecting your privacy.


  • Timeline view of a unified travel itinerary with automatic trip grouping.
  • Supports train, bus and flight bookings as well as hotel, restaurant, event and rental car reservations.
  • Boarding pass management.
  • Supports ticket management for multi-traveler and multi-ticket bookings.
  • Automatic booking data extraction from various input formats, performed locally on your device.
  • Real-time delay and platform change information for trains.
  • Weather forecast for destination along your trip.
  • Full control over all online access.
  • Selection of alternative train connections on unbound tickets or on missed connections.
  • Local ground transportation navigation between elements of your itinerary.
  • Train coach layout view (for some operators only).
  • Train station and airport per-floor maps based on OpenStreetMap data.
  • Available dock-based or free-floating rental bikes can be displayed on the train station map.
  • Personal travel statistics to monitor environmental impact.

KDE Itinerary works best alongside KMail's itinerary extraction plug-in and KDE Connect, or Nextcloud Hub and DavDroid.


Project links: Links with more information: Links to (pages with) screenshots:


Mobile Fit: 5

Perfect - this app fits your phone screen just fine out of the box and works nicely with touch input!

Project status: mature

This project has been in development for a long time and is usually well beyond its 1.0 release. It should work fine.


 Every feature of this app can be accessed via touch screen, no mouse or keyboard needed.


Is this app packaged for my distribution?

green: current and packaged,
red: packaged, but not current, ratings and other details may not apply.

Packaging status

Powered by Repology

Get it on Flathub!

Install as flatpak: https://flathub.org/apps/org.kde.itinerary.flatpakref

Build and install your own flatpak: https://invent.kde.org/pim/itinerary/-/raw/master/.flatpak-manifest.json

If you're lucky*, you can install this app by just hitting this button:


* You need to have an appstream:// handler, e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover, installed and the app needs to be available in a configured software repository, more details.

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By Category: travel public transport

By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: Office Utility

Licensing and technical details

License: LGPL-2.0-or-later Metadata: CC0-1.0

Frameworks: Kirigami

Programming languages: C++ QML

Build system: cmake

AppStream Metadata URL: https://invent.kde.org/pim/itinerary/-/raw/master/src/app/org.kde.itinerary.appdata.xml