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WhatsWeb [WhatsApp Web] for Mobile Linux Devices Source


WhatsApp Electron is an unofficial WhatsApp desktop client using Electron to wrap WhatsApp Web. While it should work on Windows, Mac and Linux, development was targeted for Linux. We also create a JS that make webpage responsive. Source


Binary releases available on releases page: https://github.com/alefnode/mobile-whatsweb/releases/tag/v0.2.6

Project links: Links with more information:


Mobile Fit: 5

Perfect - this app fits your phone screen just fine out of the box and works nicely with touch input!

Project status: early

This project has been in development for a short time only. It should work mostly fine, but expect bugs and an incomplete featureset.


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By Service: WhatsApp Web

By Category: chat

By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: Network Chat InstantMessaging

Licensing and technical details

License: GPL-3.0-only

Frameworks: Electron

Programming languages: JavaScript

Build system: npm