Track your fitness goals Source
Health can visualize how many steps you’ve made daily, your weight development over time and your daily activities. Data can be synched from Google Fit or manually entered into Health. Afterwards, it can be viewed and edited in Health.
Mobile Fit: 5Perfect - this app fits your phone screen just fine out of the box and works nicely with touch input!
Project status: released
This project has been developed so far, that its authors felt confident enough to create a release.
The project repository was created on 2020-09-27.
The last known commit happened on 2024-11-30.
Please note: This information is not updated continuously. This particular listing was last updated on 2024-12-01
Connectivity: This app works better with a continous internet connection, but does not require it.
✔ This app is (according to its appstream metadata or description) intended to be compatible with mobile devices.
Is this app packaged for my distribution?
green: current and packaged,
red: packaged, but not current, ratings and other details may not apply.
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By Service: Google Fit
By Category: health
By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: MedicalSoftware Utility
Licensing and technical details
License: GPL-3.0-or-later Metadata: CC0-1.0
Frameworks: GTK4 libadwaita
Programming languages: Rust
Build system: meson
AppStream Metadata URL: