Video and audio download application Source
Forklift is a program used to download video and audio files from popular Video and Audio platforms. Using the popular CLI application youtube-dl as base, Forklift supports dozents of websites. Forklift is also optimized for smaller screens, so you can easily navigate on your mobile device.
Main Features:
- Search function for YouTube and Soundcloud
- Download original files or
- Convert video and audio files to other formats like mp3, ogg, etc
Last commit on September 26th, 2022.
Mobile Fit: 5Perfect - this app fits your phone screen just fine out of the box and works nicely with touch input!
Project status: pre-release
This project has not seen a release yet. It may be in development for a short time only, or maybe longer. It should work mostly fine, but don't expect to find it packaged in your distribution.
The project repository was created on 2018-06-22.
The last known commit happened on 2024-04-06.
Please note: This information is not updated continuously. This particular listing was last updated on 2024-12-01
Is this app packaged for my distribution?
green: current and packaged,
red: packaged, but not current, ratings and other details may not apply.
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handler, e.g., GNOME Software or KDE Discover, installed and the app needs to be available in a configured software repository, more details.
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By Category: video downloader
By FreeDesktop-(Additional-)Category: AudioVideo
Licensing and technical details
License: GPL-3.0-or-later Metadata: CC0-1.0
Programming languages: Python
Build system: meson
AppStream Metadata URL: