
Done To-do lists reimagined
available in 4 distros AUR Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
Microsoft Todo productivity GTK4 libadwaita 4
Electrolysis EV Charging interface for Linux
early pre-release Chargefox Tesla Supercharger utilities GTK4 libadwaita 4
Flatsweep Flatpak leftover cleaner
early Flathub flatpak system utilities GTK4 libadwaita 4
Jupii Play audio, video and images on UPnP/DLNA devices
mature Flathub UPnP DLNA multimedia Kirigami QtQuick 5
Siglo Sync PineTime with your PinePhone
available in 8 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
watch companion GTK3 5
Speech Note Notes with offline Speech to Text, Text to Speech and Machine Translation
mature Flathub note taking text to speech speech to text QtQuick Silica 5
Unciv Turn-based strategy game
available in 5 distros AUR Flathub Nix stable 23.11 Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable
game libGDX 4

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