App Author: Guido Günther

EV Electric Vehicle information
early hyundai_kia_connect utilities GTK4 libadwaita needs testing
Light Video A simple GTK4 based video player for mobile phones
available in 9 distros Alpine 3.19 Alpine 3.20 Alpine edge AUR Debian experimental Flathub Nix stable 24.05 Nix unstable openSUSE Tumbleweed
video player GTK4 libadwaita 5
Prepaid manager Prepaid-manager-applet (ppm) is an applet for the GNOME Desktop that allows you to check and top up the balance of GSM mobile prepaid SIM cards.
maturing PureOS byzantium PureOS landing USSD mobile service utility GTK3 5
phom Quick hack to have a virtual mouse
virtual input device GTK3 3

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